Wiktionary Wizard

  • tenon
  • fundus
  • gerund
  • nutrient
  • jute
  • p
  • verdigris
  • baleen
  • The coarse, strong fibre of the East Indian plants, olitorius and Corchorus capsularis, used to make mats, paper, gunny cloth etc.
  • A pharmaceutical or pharmacological or product; a drug.
  • A blue-green or rust that forms on copper-containing metals.
  • A verbal form that functions as a verbal noun. (In English, a gerund has the same spelling as a present participle, but functions differently; however, this distinction may be or unclear and so is no longer made in some modern texts such as A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language and The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language)
  • The large, hollow part of an organ farthest from an opening; : The top, hollow portion of the uterus. The back, interior part of the eye, accommodating the retina and associated blood vessels, etc. The uppermost hollow of the stomach, which in humans forms a bulge above where the oesophagus enters the stomach. The deepest part of a sulcus, such as of the sulci of the human cerebral cortex.
  • The keratinous material that makes up the plates in the mouth of the baleen whale, Mysticeti, which it uses to trap its food; used in corsetry.
  • A projecting member left by cutting away the wood around it, and made to insert into a , and in this way secure together the parts of a frame.
  • A source of nourishment, such as food, that can be by an organism to give energy and build tissue.